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My current publications include a monograph on motherhood in Ovid's Heroides (Cornell University Press, 2024), a critical edition of a collection of Medieval Latin fables (Il Romulus della Recensio Gallicana: Testo, traduzione e commento); one edited volume (Body and Medicine in Latin Poetry, forthcoming with De Gruyter); a number of articles and book chapters in top-ranked journals and presses, focusing on Greek and (classical and medieval) Latin literature, as well as the application of modern theory to classical texts.


Martorana, S. 2024. Seeking the Mothers in Ovid's Heroides, Cornell University Press: Ithaca (NY)


Martorana, S. (ed.) 2024. Il Romulus della Recensio Gallicana: Testo, traduzione e commento, Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo: Florence

Edited Volumes

Martorana, S., Pistone, A., and Sachs, R. (eds.) Reinventing Sappho, The University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, OK: under review

Blanco, C., Hahn, A., and Martorana, S. (eds.) 2025. Body and Medicine in Latin Poetry, Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes, De Gruyter: Berlin: forthcoming

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Martorana, S. 2025. “Seneca’s Tragic Hydrophobia: The Case of Tantalus”, Arethusa 58.3: forthcoming

Martorana, S. 2025. “Hercules’ affectus: The (In)Human Body in Seneca’s Hercules Furens”, Classical Antiquity: forthcoming

Martorana, S. 2024. “Written on the Body: Animated Objects and Narrative Agency in Prudentius’ Peristephanon 9”, The Classical Quarterly 74.2: forthcoming


Martorana, S. 2024. “Scribere iussit amor: Phaedra, Love, and (Roman) Law in Ovid’s Heroides 4”, American Journal of Philology 145.2: 237-264

Martorana, S. 2024. “Una Saffo queer? Rileggere Saffo attraverso le sue ricezioni nel contesto letterario latino”, EuGeStA 14: forthcoming


Martorana, S. 2022. “Omission and Allusion: When Statius’ Hypsipyle Reads Ovid’s Heroides 6”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 112: 437-464​

Martorana, S. 2022. “Tantalus Poeta: The Catalogue of the Great Sinners in Thyestes 1-13”, Classical Quarterly 72.1: 269-284


Martorana, S. 2021. “La nuova edizione critica della Recensio Wissenburgensis: alcune osservazioni sul ms. W (Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Gud. Lat. 148) e sugli interventi di W2”, Maia 73.1: 216-227


Martorana, S. 2020. “(Re)writing Sappho: Navigating Sappho’s (Posthuman) Poetic Identity in Ovid, Heroides 15”, Helios 47.2: 135-160


Martorana, S. 2016. “Edita de magno flumine nympha fui: la voce di Enone tra figura mitica ed elegia soggettiva (Ov. epist. 5)”, Bollettino di Studi Latini 46.1: 41-60


Martorana, S. 2016. “Ovidian Intertextuality: Some Considerations on Tr. 1 and Met. 11”, Phasis 19 : 115-160

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

Martorana, S. 2025. “The Body and the City: Disease, Fury and Self-Mutilation in Seneca’s Oedipus”, in C. Blanco, A. Hahn, and S. Martorana (eds.), Body and Medicine in Latin Poetry, De Gruyter: Berlin-Boston: 123-138

Martorana, S. 2025. “Landscapes and Bodies of Horror in Seneca’s Thyestes,” in G. Kazantzidis and C. Thumiger (eds.), Horror in Classical Antiquity and Beyond, Bloomsbury: London: 143-160


Martorana, S. 2025. “Re-enacting Rape: Medusa in Ovid’s Metamorphoses”, in E. Pyy (ed.), Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish and Christian, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae: Rome: forthcoming

Kamil, M. and Martorana, S. 2025. “(In)Human, All Too (In)Human: Ovid’s Tereus and the Vulnerable Body”, in M.L. Haley, A. Abbattista, C. Blanco, and G. Savani (eds.), Reassembling the Myth of Tereus from Homer to Ovid, De Gruyter: Berlin: 187-200.

Martorana, S. 2024. “Chaos and kosmos: An Ecocritical Reading of Seneca’s Thyestes”, in E. Eidinow and C. Schliephake (eds.), Conversing with Chaos in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Bloomsbury: London: 48-60


Martorana, S. 2023. “(Toxic) Masculinity between Hegemony and Precariousness: Alternatives to Heteronormativity in Briseis’ Portrait of Achilles (Ov. Her. 3)”, in A. McMaster, M. Racette-Campbell (eds.), Toxic Masculinity in the Ancient World, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh: 136-149


Martorana, S. 2023. “Neque ... sine numine vincis: Thetis, Medusa, and (Literary) Creation in Ovid’s Metamorphoses”, in M. Paprocki, G.P. Vos, D.J. Wright (eds.), The Staying Power of Thetis: Allusion, Interaction, and Reception from Homer to the 21st Century, Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes, De Gruyter: Berlin: 181-203

Martorana, S. 2023. “Ancient Fables in the Middle Ages: A New Critical Edition of the Romulus Gallicanus”, in U. Gärtner, L. Spielhofer (eds.), Ancient Fables: Sour Grapes? New Approaches, Spudesmata Series, G. Olms Verlag: Hildesheim: 279-295


Martorana, S. 2022. “The Women and the Sea: The Subjective Seascape in Ovid’s Heroides”, in R. Clare, H. Williams (eds.), The Ancient Sea: The Utopian and Catastrophic in Classical Narratives and their Reception, Liverpool University Press: Liverpool: 165-180


Martorana, S. 2020. “Haec est Aeolidos fratri scribentis imago: Canace, Augusto e il dramma dell’incesto”, in S. Quadrelli, E. Subrani (eds.), I Figli di Eolo: Il motivo mitico e letterario dell’incesto tra antico e moderno, Longo: Ravenna: 65-75

Bibliographic Database Entries

Book Reviews

Martorana, S. 2024. Review: Westerhold, J. A., Ovid’s Tragic Heroines: Gender Abjection and Generic Code-Switching, Cornell University Press: Ithaca 2023, Bryn Mawr Classical Review:
Martorana, S. 2024. Review: Xinyue, B., Politics and Divinization in Augustan Poetry, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2022, Journal of Roman Studies: Published Online (Preview):

Martorana, S. 2022. Review: de la Escosura Balbás, M.C., Duce Pastor, E., González Gutiérrez, P., Rodríguez Alcocer, M., Serrano Lozano, D. (eds.), Blame it on the Gender: Identities and Transgressions in Antiquity, Bar Publishing: Oxford 2020, Journal of Hellenic Studies 142: 392-393 (

Martorana, S. 2021. Review: Fedeli P., Rosati, G. (eds.), Ovidio 2017. Prospettive per il terzo millennio. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Sulmona, 3-6 aprile 2017), Ricerche&Redazioni: Teramo 2018, Athenaeum 109.2: 651-654


Martorana, S. 2020. Review: Vandersmissen M., Discours des personnages féminins chez Sénèque. Approches logométriques et contrastives d’un corpus théâtral, Latomus: Brussels 2019, Classical Review 70.1: 114-116 (

Martorana, S. 2015. Review: Mordeglia C. (ed.), Lupus in fabula: Fedro e la favola latina tra antichità e medioevo. Studi offerti a Ferruccio Bertini, Pàtron: Bologna 2014, Reinardus 27 (2015): 258-26


Martorana, S. 2024. “Pompeian Graffitiste, ‘Trust me, Men Are Fickle’”, in G. Barker (ed.), Lesbiantiquity: An Anthology of Greek and Latin Writings about Women Loving Women 16: 1-6.

Non-academic Publication: Novel

L’altra Elena: la donna che avrebbe potuto evitare la Guerra di Troia, Elison Publishing 2017, ISBN: 9788869631368

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